LMSOFT Web Solutions - Recover connection information

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You can find the username of you domain but not the password by using our web site.

A possibility is to create a new ftp user.

Create a new FTP user

First you will need to login to LMSOFT Web Solutions: https://www.lmsoftwebsolution.com/clientarea.php

Click on your domain (If you don't see it and you have many domains with us, you can click "+View All"

Then click "Login to cPanel"

Scroll down to "Files" and click "FTP Accounts"

In "Add FTP Account"

  • fill in a new username (Log In) and the password.
  • Choose the domain you want to give access to
  • Don't specify a directory
  • Keep quota tun unlimited

Click "Create FTP Account".

You can now login to your web site by FTP.

You can use the new Username and Password to configure you connection in Web Creator (See WebCreator 8 - Uploading your site)